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Books to Read During Black History Month and Beyond

Books to Read During Black History Month and Beyond
Books to Read During Black History Month
and Beyond

During the month of February my daughters and I explore and purchase books written by black authors. We add new material to our book collection and we also give books to our family and friends. This year, there are a number of books on our list from Kamala Harris to Amanda Gorman and a host of others. So, today we created a list of 10 books by black authors that we recommend. 


Who Has Hair Like Mine is a book that focuses on explaining the variety of hair types and textures while following a young girl on her journey towards appreciating her own hair.


Brown Girl Dreaming is a novel told in verse that captures the story of a young girl growing up in the 1960’s in South Carolina and New york.  


Firebird is the story of a talented young girl who does not have confidence and questions her abilities.


I Like Myself is a book that helps young children appreciate everything about themselves and realize what really matters.


Hair Love is a story about a father doing his daughter’s hair for the first time and after several trials and errors, by working together, they are successful.



Trombone Shorty is a picture book autobiography about how Troy followed his dreams despite  many challenges.

The ABC’s of Black History takes readers on a wonderful journey through the ABC’s of black history and culture.


Every Little Thing was written by Bob Marley’s daughter and it reminds readers that every little thing is gonna be all right! 


Hidden Figures picture book explores the story of 4 phenomenal women who contributed to NASA despite racial and gender barriers. 

Crown is a story about a black boy going to the barbershop to get a haircut.  It is a tribute to the barbershop culture.

I hope you take the time to read these books and when you do, share your thoughts by posting them, sharing with friends or emailing us. We would love to hear from you. Happy reading!

A Better YOU!

A Better YOU!


A Better YOU!


As we prepare to embark upon this holiday season, I found myself thinking about how different this year will be for me, my family and friends.   We will not be able to hold our traditional gatherings and spend time hanging out or traveling. So what can we do?  Well, I have five tips for this holiday season that I plan to try and follow. 
1.  Be grateful.  Sometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for. We get busy with our day-to-day responsibilities and we don’t take the time to reflect on our blessings. Today, take a minute to list three things you are grateful for.  I am thankful for my family, friends and health, Next, list the reasons why you are grateful for those people in your life.  When we reflect on what we’re grateful for, it helps us to keep a positive outlook on life.
2.  Get up and move!  Exercise, walk, stretch, dance or try yoga.  Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week.  It's good for your mind, body and soul. Exercise helps to control your weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and it can improve your mental health and mood so, get up and get moving!
 3. Hydrate.  Drink lots of water. Water plays such an important role In our overall health . It helps you to think, focus and concentrate better. A good tip is to drink at least half your body weight every day. If you want to spruce up your water, add lemons, mint or cucumbers.
4.  Learn something new or find a hobby. Do you take time out for yourself or better yet what’s something you’ve always found interesting but never took the time out to learn more about?  YouTube has videos on just about everything. First, go to Google and seek out information on a  topic of interest and research the information. Next, watch a video on the topic.  This can help you determine if you want to know more about the topic.  If you do, go for it!
5.  Read a book.  Take time to nestle in and read a good book. If you can’t find the time to read, try audible and listen to a book.  You can listen in the kitchen as you cook or when you are riding or driving home from work and right before bed. A good book can take you on an adventure or journey and allow you to escape your day to day responsibilities. 
Every day is an opportunity for us to make a difference. We can make a difference in our life or in the lives of others.  First, take some time to take care of yourself and sooner or later you’ll find that you have the strength to go out and do good for others.

Preparing For 2021

Preparing For 2021


As we prepare to embark upon a new year, I can’t help but reflect on the challenges we faced in 2020.  The pandemic infecting and taking the lives of our family and friends, the Black Lives Matter movement, policing in the United States, the inequitable treatment of people of color, our schools restructuring instruction, and the presidential election. Despite it all, many of us were able to adjust and embrace our new normal.

There were a few tips I followed in 2020 that helped me adapt and as I continue to move forward, I plan to stay the course and apply them in 2021

  1. Communicate frequently with family and friends.   This year, around March, my parents suggested we talk over the phone instead of visiting one another. I knew they were concerned about their health, so, I agreed because I was working everyday and their grandchildren were going to school. The last thing we wanted to do was jeopardize their health. Initially, it saddened my heart but I soon adjusted.  We met on Zoom, we wore masks when delivering them packages and followed the social distancing guidelines. It was different but we knew it was for the best.  We love each other and we wanted to keep everybody healthy and safe.
  2. Exercise. All it takes is 20 minutes a day.  Get up and get moving.  There’s a vast variety of exercises such as yoga, Pilates, aerobics and Zumba.  You can use an iPad, smart television or hand held device, go to YouTube and pick what interests you. Your body will thank you later.
  3. Read.  This year, I had the opportunity to read some great books. Two memorable books are Isabel Wilkerson’s  Caste and Stacey Abram’s  Lead From The Outside. Taking the time to read helps to expand your mind, experience different genres and mentally travel away from your day to day routine.
  4. Take walks. Getting out and taking a walk can be refreshing.  I prefer dusk or dawn.  The traffic is light and it’s peaceful.  After a nice, long walk I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on another day.
  5. Write. Throughout the day so many thoughts cross my mind and I like to capture as much as I can in my journal. Every night before I go to bed, I reflect on my day and write key points. I also like to set daily goals and reflect on my progress. These activities help me stay on track.

Before the pandemic, I was wrapped up in my career and I made little to no time for my family, friends, reading, writing  or exercising.  After work, I always felt tired.  I didn’t take  the time to smell the roses or count my blessings.  Now, I have forged new relationships and I am taking better care of myself.  Life is too short, tomorrow is not promised so I urge everyone to live for today.
