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A Better YOU!

A Better YOU!


A Better YOU!


As we prepare to embark upon this holiday season, I found myself thinking about how different this year will be for me, my family and friends.   We will not be able to hold our traditional gatherings and spend time hanging out or traveling. So what can we do?  Well, I have five tips for this holiday season that I plan to try and follow. 
1.  Be grateful.  Sometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for. We get busy with our day-to-day responsibilities and we don’t take the time to reflect on our blessings. Today, take a minute to list three things you are grateful for.  I am thankful for my family, friends and health, Next, list the reasons why you are grateful for those people in your life.  When we reflect on what we’re grateful for, it helps us to keep a positive outlook on life.
2.  Get up and move!  Exercise, walk, stretch, dance or try yoga.  Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week.  It's good for your mind, body and soul. Exercise helps to control your weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and it can improve your mental health and mood so, get up and get moving!
 3. Hydrate.  Drink lots of water. Water plays such an important role In our overall health . It helps you to think, focus and concentrate better. A good tip is to drink at least half your body weight every day. If you want to spruce up your water, add lemons, mint or cucumbers.
4.  Learn something new or find a hobby. Do you take time out for yourself or better yet what’s something you’ve always found interesting but never took the time out to learn more about?  YouTube has videos on just about everything. First, go to Google and seek out information on a  topic of interest and research the information. Next, watch a video on the topic.  This can help you determine if you want to know more about the topic.  If you do, go for it!
5.  Read a book.  Take time to nestle in and read a good book. If you can’t find the time to read, try audible and listen to a book.  You can listen in the kitchen as you cook or when you are riding or driving home from work and right before bed. A good book can take you on an adventure or journey and allow you to escape your day to day responsibilities. 
Every day is an opportunity for us to make a difference. We can make a difference in our life or in the lives of others.  First, take some time to take care of yourself and sooner or later you’ll find that you have the strength to go out and do good for others.