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Preparing For Upcoming School Year

Preparing For Upcoming School Year


As we prepare to embark upon a new school year, several thoughts cross my mind.

Will my children attend school face to face?

Will they take on-line classes?

Will my daughters participate in extra-curricular activities?

Knowing this school year will differ in comparison to others, due to the pandemic, we as parents and teachers have to determine the appropriate steps to follow. We need to make the best choices to keep us all safe and determine what it will look like for children entering school or working remotely from home. 


Here are a few tips to consider in preparing for the upcoming school year.


Make a schedule. Children need structure. There can be some flexibility for breaks, playtime and snacks but ideally you want them to have a routine. A schedule helps their day and you function better. It’s also healthy for children to have a set time to wake up and perform their daily tasks.

Here’s an example:

7am - wake -up/prepare for the day

9am - Reading/Writing

10am - Math

11am - Lunch

12pm – Extra-curricular activities: walking, bike riding, drawing, journaling 

1pm - Social Studies

2pm - Science

3pm - Snack

5pm - 7pm - Dinner

8pm - Prepare for bed


Stay involved. As this school year draws closer, stay in the know. This will better prepare you for what’s to come. Read/listen to the news and get updates on the school board meetings by attending them virtually.


Plan to teach. Familiarize yourself with your child’s grade level standards. It’s even good to view the standards in the previous grade. You may need to fill in some learning gaps to make sure your child is proficient. There are numerous web sites with resources to support you.


Preparing for the upcoming school year is not a decision to take lightly. Children need to continue learning and we need to keep working on our projects and work assignments. As you move forward consider the information shared and make the best decision for you and your family.



